Dear Readers, If you’ve finished Love Kills and are looking for reading suggestions while you wait for the final installment of LA FOG, here are my top favorite novels from the ones I read in 2022: 12. Paper Towns – John Green. John Green not only constructs a whole story around a strange fact, but […]

Love Kills and Four Other Fall Reads
Dear Readers, It’s October, a year since the release of The Encanto, LA FOG Part 1, and now I’m excited to announce that Part 3, Love Kills, comes out November fourth and it’s available preorder! Reserve your copy now! And while you’re waiting, here are four addition reads that have carried me away: The Green […]

Dear Readers, Wayob’s Revenge, LA FOG Part 2, comes out on Thursday and you can pre-order it now! The detective and amateur magician, Saul Parker, awakens to find himself at strange place with no idea how he got there. So, he reasons that he must have been sleepwalking. While researching this phenomenon, I was surprised […]

Thirteen Scary Stories
If you’ve finished The Encanto and and looking for what to what to read while you’re waiting for LA FOG part two, Wayob’s Revenge, here are my top thirteen scary stories: 13. NOS482 – Joe Hill. A little wakeup call for the child inside us who wishes every day could be like Christmas. 12. Game […]

Four Fall Reads
Dear Readers, It’s October. Of course, I’m obligated to shamelessly plug The Encanto which comes out on the fourteenth. So there, now that that’s out of the way, I want to share four recommendations for the fall that have carried me away. 1Q84 – Haruki Murakami. Fall is for daydreaming, and if you’ve clocked much […]